Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Anticipating Summer (Intensives)

Summer is almost here, at least today's weather of 75 degrees and sunny is trying to trick me that warmer weather is coming. In the last couple of years summer has meant workshops and intensives. I'm getting a little bit nervous as I try to plan what programs to sign up for, and more importantly how I'm going to pay for them.

Last year I went to two summer workshops: Cerqua Rivera's intensive and a few days of River North's summer workshop (I couldn't afford the full 5 days). I had a really great experience with both and learned a lot--especially what I should be doing in order to take care of my body.
After the River North workshop I couldn't walk. I thought I was just sore from working so hard, but then the pain didn't go away and I realized that it wasn't a muscular pain...most likely I tore some cartilage around my knee (*unfortunately, my "insurance" doesn't cover X-rays, MRIs, or physical I don't know for sure).
I was devastated. In part, it was like a rite of passage, my first dance injury. But I couldn't dance for 8 weeks. I could barely move. I worried about putting on weight (for about 3 weeks all I did was lay on the couch with a bag of frozen peas on my knee). I also knew that this type of injury doesn't repair itself, it just hurts less with time. I ended up being out of class for 3 months, and just barely felt normal enough to dance in IDC's concert in November.
I've recently started to go to class more regularly to test my limits, 3 or 4 classes per week on top of about 6-10 hours of rehearsal and 3 hours/week of cross training. I was afraid of knees hurt. Not terribly, but enough that I can't always cross my legs because it causes to much pressure, or I can't bend my legs past a 90 degree angle when I sit on the bus, or that I have to wear my running shoes much more often because I need the support.
It's scary, something that I am constantly aware of.
And now...summer intensives. Will I be able to handle the amount of dancing? Will I hurt myself again? I'm planning to train consistently for the next month or two to see how I'm feeling before I officially commit to any intensives.
You only get one body, right?

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